Telecommuting (also known as working from home, or e-commuting) is a work arrangement in which the employee works outside the office, often working from home or a location close to home (including coffee shops, libraries, and various other locations).
Rather than traveling to the office, the employee “travels” via telecommunication links, keeping in touch with coworkers and employers via telephone and email.
The worker may occasionally enter the office to attend meetings and touch base with the employer. However, with many options for distance conferencing, there may be no need to visit the office.
What Are the Benefits of Telecommuting?
There are many benefits to telecommuting. Telecommuting allows a worker greater freedom regarding his or her work hours and work location. This gives the employee more flexibility to balance work and personal obligations.
Often, working from home can actually make you more productive, because you do not have the distractions of an office space.
There are also many benefits to employers. Allowing workers to telecommute often makes them more productive, which benefits the company. Telecommuters are also likely to be happier in their jobs and are therefore more likely to stay with the company. Telecommuting even saves companies money in office expenses.
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